What ALS Taught Me

Psalm 71:20 NIV -

Though you have made me see troubles, many and bitter, you will restore my life again; from the depths of the earth you will again bring me up.

ALS, also known as Lou Gehrig's disease, arrived on its own. Without welcome. Without an invitation.

This nervous system disease wreaked havoc on my father’s body. He slowly became weaker. Requiring more help with even the simplest of tasks. My father succumbed to ALS, but not without a fight.

Walking this road with my family was difficult, as I’m sure you can imagine. Caring for a family member in ways I wasn’t prepared to ever do. Especially at a young age, newly married, and working to build a new life together.

Though I spent many days watching my father suffer, I saw God present with us. Through family and friends. Through food and snacks. Through visits and companions to watch my father’s favorite sporting events. Through late-night phone calls for assistance and even through tears shed.

God never left. He was closer than I ever imagined.

We read in the Psalms such wisdom, such truth, and such raw emotion. Highs and lows mixed with cries to God for deliverance, understanding, and peace. During and after this journey with my father, I found myself there. Mixed emotions, confusing grief, and yet still peace.

A realization surrounded me in the healing. That our God is a God of restoration. He is making all things work together for His glory and for our good. He is re-creating us even in the midst of our darkest tragedies. He is preparing a place in Heaven for us, a place free from sickness, pain, and heartache.

A time of restoration is ahead. An opportunity when we will all be made new in Christ. What Hope we can cling to today.

I don’t know what you have found yourself walking through right now. Our circumstances may vary, but our God does not waver. He is the same yesterday, today, and forever.

In the midst of the darkness that was and is ALS, God is still on His Throne. He brought peace, He brought forgiveness, and He brought healing to our family both before our father died and I know He is bringing healing now on our journey through grief. God is restoring me, just like He is you.

Choose today to believe that even in your darkest moments, God is in the process of building you up. He is walking with you even when you feel like you are alone. He is restoring you, one moment at a time.

Happy early birthday in Heaven, Dad.


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