Welcome to the Journey!

I’m so honored you’ve chosen to join me on this new journey.  For me, it is just that, a journey.  I may not be traveling the world, but each day is a new opportunity for growth, for learning, for living.  

I’ve always enjoyed writing.  Not the kind that you do in school when you have English tests and research papers due.  The kind in which I can be free.  Journaling, jotting down my thoughts, or writing down key quotes or things that I don’t want to forget.

There’s something about going through an old journal.  Seeing where you were and where you are now.  I’ve learned a lot about myself.  Also about who I want to become in the future.

It hasn’t always been easy and I don’t want to give off the vibe that I’m perfect or have it all together because that is far from the truth.  I am who I am because of the grace of God and I love Jesus with my whole-heart.  I want to give God all the glory and praise for the blessings in my life, and maybe by my actions others would see that same love through my life.

I am a firm believer that all things we encounter in life have the opportunity to teach us something.  Are you learning anything in your life right now?  A wise professor once told me “Never stop learning; if you stop learning you are doing something wrong.”  As I have continued on in life, I realize the truth in that statement.  

No matter what position you hold in your job, no matter where you are, no matter what your career – you always have something to learn.  It doesn’t even have to be job-related, we always have something to learn in life.  Our families help us grow.  Our friends nurture us.  Our co-workers challenge us.  

I challenge you today to make sure you’re still learning.  That you have an open mind as you wake up each day.  Choose to see the good in each moment and be willing to grow.  Much like a tiny seed needs nurturing in the garden to grow vegetables and yield profit, we all need nurturing to become the best version of ourselves that we can be.

Again, I’m glad you’re here.  I pray that during this journey we can build each other up.  That we can start meaningful conversations.  That we can maintain healthy boundaries while growing into the beautiful daughter or handsome son of God we were destined to be.  That we can choose to love instead of fear.  Regardless of where you are in this journey, you’re right where you are supposed to be.  God can use you right there.  Just don’t give up.  Know that you are loved and cherished.  You are enough, right here, right now.

While you wait for new blog posts, feel free to browse the previous blog.  You’ll find anything from a high to the lowest low.  And Lord willing, there will be more highs and lows in the life ahead that may one day become a blog post.  

Here’s the link below:


Much love,


Go forth in life to achieve your dreams, but don’t forget the reasons and the people who make the journey worth the trouble.
— Author Unknown



Friday Night Football and a Reason to be Thankful