

For a few years in my nursing career, I served as a Hospice nurse.  For those not familiar, Hospice patients are nearing the end of their life.  Often due to a terminal condition, or one in which there is no cure, these patients and families are faced with a life-altering moment in time.  Though it sounds difficult, it was one of the most amazing and life changing periods I have ever encountered.

There’s nothing like the lessons we can learn from someone, if we take the time to listen.  Hospice often offered time and opportunity to hear about life and lessons learned. I have journaled lots of thoughts from my patients over the years, but one resonates so true that I have to share with you.

Trying not to sound cliché, but it seems like just yesterday I was sitting with this lady.  In her eighties, she was stoic and content, even though her breathing condition was making it harder to live with each passing day.  Her laugh was full of joy.  Her strength was powerful.  Her faith was intact.  Her family was involved, and she remained central to their world as they met her needs with love and warmth.  

To set the stage for this particular day – I wasn’t working the entire day, only seeing a couple of patients prior to leaving at lunchtime.  Leaving to attend a funeral for a family member.  I wasn’t wearing scrubs on this date for once.  I was dressed for the funeral.  

When I walked into her home, she greeted me the way she always did – with a smile and a “how are you.”  If you’re like me, you always answer “Good, how are you.”  It just seems like an automatic pilot answer.  One I have never put much thought into.  And also as a nurse, you are normally taught to not give much personal information to your patient – you are there to care for them and not to cause them to worry about something you may be going through.

This lady noticed I was dressed up and without asking anything she leaned in and grabbed my hand while I was preparing to check her blood pressure, and said “God can do anything but fail.”  She didn’t ask any details about my situation, but alluded to knowing that something was up.  That quote has warmed my soul for years, just as if I first heard it yesterday.

Friend, God can do ANYTHING, but fail.  He is always faithful to fulfill His promises to us; they just may not be exactly how we planned for them to be.  God yearns to see us full of life.  God yearns to see us be successful.  God yearns to know you and I so intricately.  

If a lady approaching her death can see the goodness of God, surely I can too, while not in the midst of failing health.  This lady approached life with thankfulness, with hope, and with love.  She encouraged me and challenged me to be thankful.  I don’t think I ever thanked her specifically for this lesson she taught me.  A lesson to believe.  

I remember listening to her preach the Good News, sing praise, and I heard her cry.  Throughout many visits, I couldn’t help but grow to love her with a piece of my heart.  In my book, she was a Hero.  She was a Child of God.  And she is now rejoicing in Heaven with the Savior she talked so much about.  

I will cherish the gift of this lesson for years to come.  Without fail she spoke the words God planned for me to hear at that moment.  Words that would work to mold me for years ahead.  

You can have an impact on someone.  Wherever you go, whatever you do, whatever you may face.  Today may be the day you share a word of encouragement that means more than anything to someone you love.  


Lessons Learned While Potty Training


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