Friday Night Football and a Reason to be Thankful

Sunday, August 26, 2018 (Uploaded from previous blog)

This past weekend was one for the books. On Friday, August 24, 2018 my Dad was able to call another football game for GW Danville with his radio crew, Chuck and Clarke. Dad has called 300+ football games in his career and after his diagnosis of ALS/Lou-Gehrig's Disease in February, Dad wanted to make sure he was able to call another game with his friends. What we did not realize was that the City of Danville would present him with a proclamation for his 30 years of service and that he would be honored with the game ball. What a special time. It was an honor to see so many folks come offer him well wishes and congratulations. It was special to see him so happy. His friends went above and beyond to make it a night that many of us will remember forever.

ALS is tough. It has been slowly robbing my Dad of the small things - changing clothes, showering quickly, getting up and down and around the house, and simply going to the bathroom. He now has to have assistance from friends and family and use equipment to safely maneuver and even then it can be difficult. It is unbelievable just how much we take for granted. To see the pain and anxiety my Dad has had to conquer, has been difficult. But it's like his friend Chuck said during their broadcast Friday night, "You're not dealing with ALS, ALS is dealing with you my friend." If you'd like to hear a bit about his fight with ALS in his own words, click the link below (Link provided by CVip Media Solutions).


In the midst of watching my Dad fight this terminal condition, I am constantly reminded just how brief this life is. I am thankful that while we are living on this side of eternity there is pain and sorrow, but on the other side it will be wonderful and there will be no pain or hurt or illness of any kind. It gives me hope when life doesn't look hopeful. I know so many people who are walking through pain of many kinds right now - unexpected illnesses, accidents, addictions, divorce, loss, and grief of so many kinds. I am reminded of something so special one of my hospice patients shared with me - "God can do anything but fail." And isn't she SO right! Our God is bigger than any of the pain or suffering we may face. He's not trying to punish me when my life is difficult, He is offering me an opportunity to advance His Kingdom. With every breath we have a chance to choose how we are going to see any situation - half full, or half empty. Choose to overcome negativity. See the good in everything, even if it's something small. Choose to be thankful. Live fearless. Choose joy.
Be encouraged friends. I heard this song today in the midst of challenges and I knew God was near. God can use anything or anyone to reach us when we most need it. Don't miss looking for those moments. They are truly all around us. The song is called "This Life" by The Afters.

For a moment, we are here together.
And it hits me that this won't last forever.

We can't own it
We just get to hold it for a while.
This Life.
We can't keep it
Or save it for another time.
This Life.

What we give is all we have.
How we love is what will last.
And this hope we know will carry us through this life.

We were never meant to stay, so we don't have to be afraid of what is waiting on the other side of this life.

Hope in Christ will truly carry us through this life. The ups, the downs, the joys, the sorrows. All are seen and felt by our Creator. We are cared for and loved so much more than we could fathom. We are not alone, no matter how alone we may feel in ourselves. Choose to believe in God through Christ Jesus. Allow him to set you free from anything that may be holding you back. Don't live this life without the promise of eternity. I'm thankful this is not all there is. One day all the wrongs will be made right. One day there will be no tears. One day there will be no ALS. Until then, we keep fighting friends. Each breath is a gift. Thank you to everyone who is loving on my Dad/Don, and our family throughout this time. You are each so special and we are loved and honored to have you with us on this journey.

Photo credit: Emily Kathryn Photography - August 2018

Photo credit: Emily Kathryn Photography - August 2018


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