Under Construction


We’ve all been there.  Driving down the road and encountering a sign that reads, “Road Work Ahead.”   Sometimes a lane is closed.  Sometimes the traffic keeps moving well.  Sometimes you slow to a crawl, or worse, a complete stop.

Even if you’re not in a big city, I'm sure we have all encountered some sort of construction zone.  Roads, like everything else, require routine repairs for upkeep.  Potholes form.  Bridges wash and become weak.  Roads need re-paving.

As I was recently driving through a construction site on my way to work, I was thinking not only about the work being done, the long line of orange cones I always feel like I’m going to hit, or the strong smell of asphalt, but the workers.  I mean, in the heat and humidity, it is HOT!  (At the time I wrote this, it was the middle of summer!)  I don’t know about you, but I appreciate their hard work.  It can’t be easy.

I started thinking about how our lives as Christians, are under construction.  Just because we choose to follow Jesus doesn’t mean our lives will be perfect or without difficulty.  If anything, that’s the complete opposite.

The enemy wants so bad to trip us up.  He can’t stand to see us living for Jesus.  So... little things in our day, something as seemingly simple as a construction site, the enemy can use to cause frustration in our lives.  Hey, I know we are all still human - our gut response to getting stuck in traffic is usually, “Oh no I’ve got to get to _____.”  Or like me, you may panic because you will be late because you didn’t leave on time for once, or you need to use the bathroom.  We are all human, stuff happens.

Realizing our lives are under construction gives us freedom from perfection.  Freedom from feeling like we have to have it all together.  In this day and time, I don’t know how anyone has it all together - if you have insight, fill a sister in!  I’m relieved knowing that, as a Christian, when I choose daily to love and follow Jesus, I can rest knowing that Jesus paid the ultimate price for me.

Though I still fall short and make mistakes daily, God sent His son, His innocent son, to pay the price on the cross for me, and you.  So that we can live in the love and grace of God, knowing one day we will live forever in Heaven, escaping hell.  

Choose to be ever learning, ever open to taking on a new task.  Be willing to live “under construction” so that God can continue to mold you into the Son or Daughter of the King that you are.  Treat every mistake, every missed job opportunity, every grade that wasn’t quite there, every break-up or relationship challenges, and every frustration that comes out of your mouth as an opportunity to grow and be open to the work that God is doing in your life.  He’s doing something today - are you aware of it?


A note to the babies…and the Mommy’s and Daddy’s


Falling Back