Falling Back


Here it is.  The time of year so many of us have been waiting for.  Especially in light of all the incredibly hot, humid, and dry days we had in the summer.  Bring on the pumpkins, the cozy blankets, oversized sweatshirts, college football, and the changing colors of leaves.

I realize not all of you may be pumpkin-loving fanatics.  I, myself, am already planning how and when I can start putting out my Christmas decorations. When my husband is at work, of course!

I recently came across a quote about the Autumn season that I like. The author is unknown.

“Autumn shows us how beautiful it is to let things go.”

It seems so true.  Leaves are falling and changing colors, and a cooler breeze starts to blow through the air.  Piles of leaves either bring about laughter or grumbling - it depends on if you are playing or having to gather them up.

For me, one of my most favorite things is when I’m driving down the road and leaves are falling all around me.  I’m not sure why, but I’ve always enjoyed it.  Something is relaxing about it for me.

As the leaves are falling around me, I’m reminded about the changes in seasons and the opportunity for growth in the new seasons ahead.  I know I have a lot of growth left to do.

New seasons can be like a new year where we can alter our focus and take a step back to evaluate who/how we are or want to live.  As the leaves are falling, I’m reminded how something has to die to live again.  To shed an old self to embrace a new, hopefully, better self with the change in weather.  The leaves fall only to allow for beautiful buds in the Spring ahead.

It’s fascinating to me how intricate the process is that God created, yet how He wants the same for me and you.  I think Fall brings with it a season to slow down.  To recoup from the summer adventures and to fall back into time with family as Thanksgiving will be here soon.  

To cherish tailgating before your favorite game.  Trips up and down the mountain parkway admiring nature.  Sipping pumpkin mocha frappes (or whatever they are called, I don’t drink coffee haha), or bundling up on the couch in your cozy clothes to watch a movie.

May you have the chance to fall back and rest in this season.  Don’t be too busy that you cannot stop and take in the changes occurring in nature right before your eyes.  There’s beauty in each passing season.  For now, it’s time to embrace falling back.

Matthew 11:28-30 - The Message

28-30 “Are you tired? Worn out? Burned out on religion? Come to me. Get away with me and you’ll recover your life. I’ll show you how to take a real rest. Walk with me and work with me—watch how I do it. Learn the unforced rhythms of grace. I won’t lay anything heavy or ill-fitting on you. Keep company with me and you’ll learn to live freely and lightly.”


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Thank God, for Hometowns