The Emergency Vet and a Dose of Strength

Our yorkie pup Lilly, got sick recently. Due to her symptoms, I didn’t feel comfortable waiting until the next day, so we took her in for an emergency veterinarian visit. I’m so thankful for her doctors and their staff, and their love for animals, so we didn’t have to drive to another city to see someone we didn’t know.

Thankfully Lilly is okay. She got the right treatment, medication, and a little extra TLC from mom and dad. She gave me quite the scare though as I tried to be strong through it all but definitely ended up crying multiple times. Yes, I know, Lilly is a dog, but she is family. We just wanted her to feel better and back to her little diva self, though maybe a tad less since her rowdiness may have gotten her into this pickle, to begin with!

As I started to process all of the events, I was reminded that God was with us the entire time. Things that are important to us matter to God. God sees and knows all of the times in which we hurt, or feel stress or pain. Those are times in which His presence is ever closer.

The unexpected moments can hit us hard, can’t they? We’ve had a long day so we may not handle things the absolute best. It seems that sometimes we get hit with more than we can handle all at once. Totally rocking our agendas and lives. The saying - “If it’s not one thing, it’s another” - has impacted all of our lives at some point.

During one of my recent daily Bible studies, I have been in the letters Paul wrote to Timothy. Settled now in the New Testament, we read much of Paul’s encouragement to Timothy as he stepped up to lead the church. There is a lot of talk about perseverance, even in the face of suffering.

The book, well letter, of Second Timothy, is Paul’s last known written letter. Paul had been imprisoned because of his faith and was being persecuted for what was so important to him. It was going to cost him his life and Paul knew it. He didn’t let it stop him.

Instead of wanting pity or attention, Paul was writing to strengthen Timothy and guide him in godly wisdom as he led the local church. Can you imagine being the recipient of this letter? Can you imagine what thoughts came to Timothy’s mind as he read it?

Well, we are the recipient of this letter! All Scripture has a purpose and a plan. It is all still relevant for you and me today. As we see in the verses highlighted today, we were not given a spirit of fear. As Christ-followers, we are filled with the presence of the Holy Spirit through any situation we encounter.

Things are going to hit us out of the blue. Things are going to happen. How will you respond when life tries to knock you off of your feet? Will you trust God has a plan even if it seems chaotic at the present moment? God is the only source of true strength in times of good or bad.

2 Timothy 1:7-8 NIV

For the Spirit God gave us does not make us timid, but gives us power, love, and self-discipline. So do not be ashamed of the testimony about our Lord or of me his prisoner. Rather, join with me in suffering for the gospel, by the power of God.


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