Some of My Favorite Things

We all have favorite things. Seasons we enjoy. The restaurant with our favorite food. The vacation spot is sure to be relaxing.

What is the reason these particular things become our favorites? Do they trigger our brains to release dopamine and serotonin, causing us to feel good? I think there’s a reason Scripture refers to laughter and cheerfulness being good for our souls.

Proverbs 17:22 MSG

A cheerful disposition is good for your health; gloom and doom leave you bone-tired.

Aside from spending time with family and friends, here are a few of my favorite things in no particular order.

  1. Christmas lights.

  2. Mexican food.

  3. Sunsets.

  4. Fresh flowers.

  5. Game shows.

I don’t know about you, but I want to live with a joy that comes from the deep. Joy that doesn’t waver based on external circumstances. I want to be as happy as my dog when she has a new squeaky toy. Joy.

We all have favorite things. Items that bring us joy. Places we love to be.

Unfortunately, in this day and time, our world is broken. People are hurting. Everyone needs a level of kindness displayed. A true sense of joy that far outweighs any source of confusion.

A lot of people are focused on being “happy.” Having the smartest kids, the newest car, or the latest trend. We’ve heard people say this before, “If only I had” …but this source of happiness doesn’t last.

True joy comes from inside. An eternal focus. A Heaven mindset. Knowing that with God, our future is secure. Understanding that even with the pain and chaos this world brings, our joy in Christ remains forever.

So, take heart friend. Whatever you may be going through trust that God is with you, and He is in the middle of your situation or circumstance. Trust that His peace will give you the unwavering joy to see you through.


Strength for Today and Hope for Tomorrow


The Emergency Vet and a Dose of Strength