Thank God, for Hometowns


I am blessed to live in a small town; the same town in which I spent many years as a young child growing up.  I didn’t always live here.  Perhaps that is why it now seems so special.

It’s funny how you leave an area for a little while - maybe it’s for vacation, a job, going to school, or maybe you move away for several years and come back to visit.  When I rolled back in town after being in another state for some time, it was funny to me how I would say “Oh, still one stop light” or “They still have that pretty yard” or “Let’s go back to my favorite Mexican restaurant.”  How things were mostly unchanged.  Perhaps, it was me who did some changing while away.  

Maybe you’re reminiscing about your familiar town.  Maybe you still live there.  Maybe you’ve moved time zones away and just the thought brings a flood of memories.

There’s something about a “hometown.”  Maybe it’s the people.  Maybe it’s the walks down the street.  Maybe it’s the sense of belonging.  Maybe it’s home.  

Carrie Underwood released a song about hometowns.  If you haven’t heard it before, stop and check it out here…

 Carrie Underwood - Thank God for Hometowns [Lyrics On Screen] - YouTube

What memories came to mind as you listened?  Did you think about your hometown?  Your neighbors?  The friends with whom you raced bicycles up the street?  The convenience store that served the best fried chicken? The church pews where you heard life-altering words spoken and shared?  The familiar faces at the local post office?  The friends you spent so much time with?  I’m sure the list could go on and on.  The point being, that there are probably a few things that have come to your mind.

If you aren’t living in your hometown right now, think about the last time you went home.  Did your family meet you in the airport?  Did you drive down country roads with the windows down?  Did you visit your favorite restaurant?  Have a big dinner with family?

I realize not all trips home, may be enjoyable.  Some may be filled with grief, anger, or discouragement.  Some trips home may not be for enjoyment.  Perhaps you cannot recall your childhood home because you moved routinely. If your heart is heavy thinking about home, hang on friend, home is wherever you are right now.

Think of a place in which you feel peace.  A place that is special to you and your family.  A place in which you feel you can disconnect in a way, and simply be yourself while you take it all in.

Maybe for you, that is sitting on the beach.  Maybe it is a walk down the sidewalk.  Maybe it’s gathering with close friends as you meet up for dinner.  

I believe we can all find peace right where we are today, if we open our eyes and check it out.

Look around right where you live today.  There’s a reason why you are there.  There is someone who needs you. Be a friendly face.  Spread kindness.  Love your neighborhood, even if you are dearly missing another area on the map.  Get to know your neighbors.  Invest in your place.  You may not have much, but your street corner or dirt road may mean the world to someone in your life.  God can use you right where you are for something quite special, if you’re willing to be ALL there.  

“Thank God for hometowns

And all the love that makes you go round

Thank God for the county lines that welcome you back in

When you were dying to get out

Thank God for Church pews

And all the faces that won’t forget you

Cause when you’re lost out in this crazy world

You got somewhere to go and get found

Thank God for hometowns”


Falling Back


Strike 3, You’re Out!