Strike 3, You’re Out!


Now that baseball is back in full swing, I thought I’d use it as the fuel for my next blog.  In the game of baseball, you have two teams with the same goal - to win.  Actually, you see this with all sports.  Baseball differs a little from other sports, because you essentially get a few chances.  I’m a big fan of baseball, so don’t get the wrong idea.

Maybe you’ve been to a game in person or watched on TV.  You know the drill - the batter comes to the plate: he either hits the ball or gets a ball/strike depending on where the ball was with regards to the strike zone.  

My cousin always says you’ll watch most pitchers with the same routine: Fix their hat, spit because they are chewing so much bubble gum, and readjust their pants.  Maybe not in that order, but they will do all of those things!  All while trying to focus and strike the batter out.

If you’re like me and love sports, you can picture this moment.  If you’re not into sports, just hang in there with me for a few minutes. 

Here goes...The batter of your favorite team is up to the plate.  The bases are loaded.  The crowd is screaming because the game is tied and all the batting team needs is one run to end the madness. The batter has already gotten two strikes.  The pitch is thrown, 85mph fastball, the batter swings and...STRIKEOUT.

The crowd is hushed.  So close, yet so far away.

In life, we get chances.  More often than not, we are extended grace beyond measure where we do not deserve it.  As imperfect people, we make mistakes daily, yet God’s love for us is greater, nothing can take it away.  With God, you and I cannot strike out.

With God, you and I don’t have to have this added pressure of feeling an urge for perfection.  Or seek to compare ourselves to those around us.  If all we do is strive for perfection and comparison, we will burn out quicker than we can blink.  We weren’t meant to live like that.  

Isn’t that comforting?  To know when you had a bad day, you’re still enough?  When you didn’t close the big deal, you’re still enough?  When you didn’t make the team?  When you didn’t land the dream job?

You may feel as though you’ve struck out.  Friend, you’re enough.  The day may end, but if God gives breath in your lungs for another day of life, you’re still in the game.

So, pick up your bat.  Tie your shoes.  Pull out your sunglasses.  Readjust your pants if you need to.  You’re on the winning team!

Lamentations 3:22-23 - New International Version

Because of the Lord’s great love we are not consumed,

    for his compassions never fail.

They are new every morning;

    great is your faithfulness.


Thank God, for Hometowns


To those who feel defeated…