TBR #2: Create a Life You Love

Name: Create a Life You Love

Author: Stephanie May Wilson (Home (stephaniemaywilson.com)

Who doesn’t want to love this life? To make the most of our journey on earth. Taking it all in. Even the difficult moments. It’s something we all want, especially those of us who find ourselves in seasons of waiting. This book came at the right time for me and I couldn’t recommend it more.

“Our adult lives aren’t puzzles to complete. They’re collages to create.”

I don’t know about you, but I’ve always heard references to completing the puzzle of life. Finding the right guy, the best career, a nice home. Having a family. Being a part of the best church community. All of these things that we assume will make us better or give us easier lives.

I love how Stephanie mentions collages. Our lives aren’t linear. Most of us know by now that there are times and seasons in which things are pretty messy. Our life may ebb and flow quite a bit but the good news is that one day we will be able to see our created collage. For then, and only then, will all of life make sense.

“There’s no one right way to build a life.”

Can I get an Amen?! In this day and time, opinions are everywhere. Media, both on and off social platforms, are influencing us. We see an endless number of reels on how to do everything from getting out of debt, having a baby when you’ve struggled with infertility, and how to lose weight. There’s a “how-to-guide” for everything.

I’m thankful that God loves us despite our flaws. We are each unique with a seemingly endless amount of opportunities ahead of us. Opportunities to choose how we want to experience life and the writer stresses the importance of being aware of the voices and opinions everywhere. Who will you listen to? Them or the voice inside of you?

“Part of creating a life you love is learning to love (and truly live!) your life when you haven’t quite gotten where you want to go yet.”

All of us have thoughts and dreams about what we hope to accomplish in life or how we thought our lives would have turned out by this point in time. I’m learning that we have to be thankful for this life that we are given. Stephanie shares that it’s up to us to choose to love that life and be brave enough to live it. None of us know how long we have to live on this earth. Choosing to love and live the life we are given, could be the lifeline someone needs to know eternity.

Embrace your unique journey. Impact those around you while you’re doing it. Don’t miss this read that I think will encourage you, as it has done for me.

Hebrews 10: 24-26, New Living Translation

Let us think of ways to motivate one another to acts of love and good works.  And let us not neglect our meeting together, as some people do, but encourage one another, especially now that the day of his return is drawing near.

Dear friends, if we deliberately continue sinning after we have received knowledge of the truth, there is no longer any sacrifice that will cover these sins.


TBR #3 - Gangster Prayer


TBR #1: Come Matter Here