TBR #1: Come Matter Here

Here we go again friends! You all really enjoyed the previous book recommendations I shared. I received feedback that many of you had either read the books I shared or added them to your TBR list for the summer/transition into fall. I’ve got a few more to share with you over the next few weeks. Be sure to carve out space to check them out.

Name: Come Matter Here

Author: Hannah Brencher (https://hannahbrenchercreative.com/)

“Presence is all we get at any given moment. We either lean into the here and now, or we miss it.”

This is one of the reasons why I love Hannah. She not only writes about the importance of making the most of your moments, but she lives it out. She writes and shares on her platform about the importance of unplugging. We all know and understand what they all say that life moves fast. You blink and suddenly five years have passed. Children grow up. Special family members die. Towns change. Life happens to us all.

There is so much benefit from making the most of your moments. Being aware of those around you. Making the most of dinner with your family and leaving your phone in the car or in another room. Engaging in present conversation, not easily distracted by endless amounts of scrolling or a rampage of the latest TikTok's. Reminding yourself to be where your feet are. One of the most impactful things I’ve heard Hannah say. Our world is so driven by technology. Take a break from social media and step back into conversation with those around you.

“Maybe life isn’t about avoiding the bruises, it’s about collecting the scars to prove we showed up for it.”

We all have scars, don’t we? We’ve all had a set of challenges handed to us and I’m sure a list of circumstances that have turned our lives upside down. We shouldn’t be ashamed of our scars, for God can and will use all of the pieces for the beautiful masterpiece of our lives that He is creating.

“You either operate in love, or you operate in fear.”

Doing hard things. Making the choice to keep showing up even when you don’t know how things are going to go. Accepting the present and making sure you show up for it.

Hannah reminds us that we all matter. Our circumstances plus the lessons we are learning from them. The scars and the bruises are all pivotal parts of our story. None of them mean that our life is over.

This book is powerful friends. Hannah vulnerably shares how God worked in her life throughout tough seasons that included a big move and a fight for her life against depression. She invites the reader in to realize just how much your life matters. This is a read you don’t want to miss.

Isaiah 33:2, CSB

Lord, be gracious to us! We wait for you. Be our strength every morning and our salvation in time of trouble.


TBR #2: Create a Life You Love


We Need to Stop, Pray, and Be Kind