TBR #3 - Gangster Prayer

To end the book recommendations in this round, I’ve chosen one that came highly suggested to me. If you missed any previous ones, use the links provided to go back and catch them. This book came as a recommendation from the ladies in a recent Bible study, and man was it convicting and insightful.

Name: Gangster Prayer

Author: Autumn Miles (AUTUMN MILES)

“If your prayer life is dead, it’s because Satan has become victorious over you.”

There have been seasons in which my prayer life has been sub-par. I have recognized that things I have been praying for haven't happened and while I’ve continued to watch others around me receive miracle upon miracle while I’m still hanging out, I’ve allowed the enemy to get under my skin. To take away my communication with the Father, the Great Physician, the Ultimate Miracle Worker. I didn’t realize what I was doing at the time, but looking back I succumbed to the ultimate pity party -expecting God to do what I said, when I wanted it, not being mindful of His plan for my life.

Miles shares the importance of our prayer life in this book. To be wildly consumed with our prayer life because of the communication we have one-on-one with our Father; to not take prayer for granted. I was convicted even in the first few pages that my prayer life was not where it needed to be. It’s not a one-night fix, but when we are mindful of our goals and what we are working on, we can seek to make changes daily to be where we want to be.

“Sometimes God says no to you in prayer because He knows His yes at that time would not benefit you.”

Mic drop.

God knows the absolute best plan for our lives. It’s not always easy to wait though, is it? This is where I was convicted because I was trying to be the god of my life and this is not how it goes when you are a Jesus follower. The more I’m saturated in scripture and the more I communicate with my Father, the more I know that God has my best interest in mind.

It’s also comforting to know that God wants to know the frustrations and desires we share. He knows us intricately anyway, but He wants us to voice those frustrations and desires to Him. He can handle it. I believe He’s always working out things for our best interest.

“We must learn to wrestle things out with God, because when we talk to God, He reveals the answer.”

God will always come through for His people. The promises of His love and faithfulness, and un-deserving mercy are all over scripture.

This was such an impactful read. I’m so thankful I took the advice of my friends and read it. I will be reading it again because there is so much to unpack. I’m learning that my prayers don’t have to be perfect, they just need to be honest communication with God. Be sure to check this read out, you’ll be glad you did!

1 Thessalonians 5:17, NLT

Never stop praying.


How is your faith today?


TBR #2: Create a Life You Love