Space in the Ordinary

In this busy world, it’s hard sometimes to stop and take a breath.  In our comings and our goings, life is moving.  Those seemingly insignificant “ordinary” moments may pass us by.

Psalm 90:12 reads - “Teach us to number our days, that we may gain a heart of wisdom.”   

Written beside this verse in my Bible were the words - Nothing is ordinary.

How many ordinary moments do I pass up every day?

Ordinary moments in which God can move and more often than not, we are blessed.  The drive-thru line in which our meal was paid.  The cart at the grocery store rolled with ALL four wheels without squeaking or squealing.  The delivery driver that delivers our package to the right location.  A parking spot opened up in the front on a rainy day.  Our neighbor delivered food when we had a rough day.

I’m finding that quote I mentioned earlier, to be true.  What I may see as ordinary, God often uses for something magnificent.  Moments that can change our perspective along with our outlook on life.

Have you ever taken time to glance at the unique colors making up the sunrise on your way to work?  Have you ever felt rejuvenated after dinner with a friend?  Have you ever had a stranger utter something nice while passing by just when you needed it the most?

These and so many other experiences along with the ones listed above, that you and I may encounter every day.  I’m being challenged to see life. To see moments and to appreciate them.

Small moments can be big moments.  We just have to be willing to see them.

Allow yourself to experience life.  Allow yourself to see the small, often ordinary moments that make up your day.  They may just become a blessing to you or someone around you.  Don’t miss them.


Close Encounters and God’s Provision


You’re Still God