Deep Roots

Have you ever seen the roots of a tree?  Maybe the better question is have you ever stopped to take it in?  Now, I wasn’t just thinking about the roots we may see or trip over superficially in the yard.  The deep roots often feel the shift of the land in so many ways, yet provide the tree support to keep on doing its thing.

On a recent kayaking trip, I was taken aback by the roots I saw.  I’ve paddled down this stretch of river many times, but I was honed into the roots on this particular day.  Check out this photo I grabbed.

I’m fascinated by the intricate details.  To think how much they’ve endured just from rain and water fluctuating, to the land around eroding.  Yet, here they are holding together.  Some of the trees are small, others are large.  None of them would be standing without their roots.

It may seem silly that I made a connection with tree roots, but stick with me!

In complete honesty, when I first glimpsed the bundles of roots, my thought was, “That looks like a mess.” 

Again, if I’m honest, I feel like a mess sometimes.  

During our float down the river, I couldn’t stop looking at the trees.  I’d look down at the roots and then I’d look up to see what kind of tree it was - big or small, leaning or straight, alive, or dying.  I’m no tree expert but I do know one thing is likely true - the deeper the roots, the stronger the tree.

The same is true for you and me. Do you feel strong or weak?  Where does your strength come from?  Are you built to weather the storms?

In this life, we are going to face trouble and difficulty.  Most of us can say we are either walking out of a storm, currently in a storm, or will likely face a storm up ahead.  It doesn’t matter who you are, none of us are immune from having difficulty.  Or facing it.

Do you have good roots?  Roots that will help you withstand the ebbs and flows of life?

In a day and time where there is so much unrest, can I encourage you to put your roots in Jesus?  A true source that will NOT cave.  He will NOT waver with social media.  He will NOT be persuaded by politics. He will NOT put you on the back burner.

Your relationship with Jesus can and will carry you through the storms of life.  I know it’s easy to lose heart.  It’s easy to get discouraged.

I believe Jesus can be the deep roots in our lives that we all need.  No other human, thing, or circumstance can be that for us.  With deep roots in Jesus, we are sure to withstand any storm ahead.

Luke 8: 22-26 NIV - Jesus Calms the Storm

22 One day Jesus said to his disciples, “Let us go over to the other side of the lake.” So they got into a boat and set out. 23 As they sailed, he fell asleep. A squall came down on the lake so that the boat was being swamped, and they were in great danger.

24 The disciples went and woke him, saying, “Master, Master, we’re going to drown!”

He got up and rebuked the wind and the raging waters; the storm subsided, and all was calm. 25 “Where is your faith?” he asked his disciples.

In fear and amazement, they asked one another, “Who is this? He commands even the winds and the water, and they obey him.”




Running on E