

What does it mean to believe?

“Believe” as defined by Merriam-Webster’s Dictionary is - to consider to be true or honest; to accept the word or evidence of; to accept something as true, genuine, or real.

If you know me, you know how I love a good song.  A good set of tunes in which I can turn up the volume, particularly on a sunny day in which I can roll down the car windows and sing while I’m driving.  Side note here - If you like to do this, set cruise control, because if you’re like me you will start driving too fast and nobody has time to get pulled over!

I heard a worship song recently and it resonated with me.  The words challenged me and got me thinking.  Click this link below, it’s great.

CeCe Winans - Believe For It (Official Lyric Video) - YouTube

“Move the immovable

Break the unbreakable

God, we believe

God, we believe for it

From the impossible

We’ll see a miracle

God, we believe

God, we believe for it”

I was caught, just hearing the chorus.  Just simply thinking about what it means to believe or stand in awe of just all that God can and will do in my life and the lives of those around me.  Let me break it up a little here.

Move the immovable, break the unbreakable.  

What in your life seems immovable?  Are you going through a financial strain?  Have a disrupted relationship in your family?  Does your job seem impossible?  Do you feel stuck with nowhere to go?  Is there something that seems so big there is no logical way to overcome it?  A diagnosis that you can do nothing about but follow the doctor’s recommendations?  Loss of a job? Loss of a family member or true friend?  No money to pay the rent check this month?

Something seems strong in your life, I am sure.  None of us are immune from pain or heartbreak or the unimaginable.  To you, it may seem that so much is happening all at once that you feel you have nowhere to turn.  I’m sure we can all identify some mountain in our life that is overwhelming.  If the pain isn’t affecting us directly, it affects someone we know.  Something seems out of our reach.

From the impossible, we’ll see a miracle.  

Have you ever experienced a miracle?  What do they look like?  I think for everyone it is different. I challenge you to look, not only at the big things in life, but day to day, what are the small blessings/small miracles that we often take for granted?  Waking up to sunshine in the mornings, a nice warm blanket to relax under, time with family, having food to eat, having a job, or being able to go to the grocery store.

I know I take so much for granted every day.  I fail to give God the praise and thanks He deserves because I get so caught up in the events of the day or with my to-do list that I neglect stopping to smell the roses along the way, as they say.

I have started a new task; one I was recently challenged to do in a sermon I recently heard. Maybe you want to join along.  Every morning, before I grab my phone to look at social media, check email, or the weather - I go to my notes app and type at least three things I am thankful for on that date.  I’m proud to say I have been doing this for several months, even now as I am writing.  I am hopeful to continue this.

This simple task is opening my eyes to God’s goodness wrapped up in moments during my day.  Being intentional about offering praise to God for the small moments in my life.  It’s also helped my overall mindset to start the day with a positive task instead of allowing my mind to easily be distracted by negativity that so often floods the news or social media.

God, we believe.  God, we believe for it.

God is a God of miracles.  He is still in the business of performing them.  Just maybe we are too busy to notice.  Friend, let's get back to believing.  Let’s get back to returning the thanks for all things, because at the end of the day we truly are a blessed generation.

Thank God for the dogs, the jobs, the lessons learned, the time to write or work a puzzle, the time to plant and watch the garden grow, and the time to be spent with those we love.

God is a good, good God.  He daily takes impossible and makes it possible.  He daily provides healing.  Get out there and look for those blessings.  They are probably right under your nose. 




Deep Roots