Lessons Learned While Potty Training

Ben and I don’t have any children, but we recently got a dog.  Lilly is amazing.  [Side note - I’m only speaking for myself here, but I’m pretty sure Ben now adores her.]  She’s a Yorkie-Bichon mix, and her and I share a birthday which is super neat!  She has been a big blessing in our lives.


If you’re a parent, you know all about the process of potty training.  Whether you parent humans or fur babies there are a few things involved to ensure you don’t have a mess.  Patience, routine, and perseverance are at the top of my list.  I’m sure there are a lot of things involved, but I’m thinking about the few things that we are working toward for success over here.

Patience - And lot’s of it.  For someone who doesn’t have a lot of it (I know my weaknesses), this is trying.  Nothing like standing in the freezing cold for thirty minutes waiting for the business to be done, only to have Ben come home and she goes immediately.  Insert eye roll here, haha.  Or standing in the pouring down rain only to have her not go until we come back inside because she doesn’t like her feet to get wet.  And don’t forget the fact that we didn’t even own an umbrella for some strange reason.  We do now, but it took rescuing Lilly to realize we did need to invest in one.  [We probably have some gray hair…]

Routine - After going to her “Manners Class”, we learned how important having a routine was for potty training.   Much like in our lives, routine brings success.  And for Lilly, her potty schedule remains a strict routine.  Remember - we are not down for inside pottying!

Perseverance - As with anything, the way you choose to work at it will determine the end result.  Sticking with it, even when it’s hard, will help us reach our goal.  In terms of potty training, I’ve found when we are patient and stick with the routine, we are successful and both Lilly and her Mama and Daddy are happy. And there isn’t extra laundry to be done or messes to be cleaned up.

I see a lot of comparisons to our life.  Is there something you are having to be patient for, right now?  Do you need a routine?  What is required of you to persevere through?  Everyday is an opportunity for growth.  And learning.  

Friend, there is nothing you cannot do without God on your side.  Potty training a puppy may seem so minute compared to what you are facing right now.  I don’t take anything away from tackling tough things.

Patience is a virtue.  Scripture alludes to this in Galatians 5:22-23.  I have pulled these verses from The Passion Translation version.

But the fruit produced by the Holy Spirit within you is divine love in all its varied expressions: joy that overflows, peace that subdues, patience that endures, kindness in action, a life full of virtue, faith that prevails, gentleness of heart, and strength of spirit. Never set the law above these qualities, for they are meant to be limitless.

Sometimes we need a routine.  Some days we need a to-do list.  Some moments we need to see how we can accomplish small things that work up to big things.  And there’s nothing wrong with having a routine - If that is how you wind down and recharge, it is important, so stick with it!  If you have a certain way that works for your kid to go to sleep, it is a success for your family. If plan A leads to plan B and that works out, reach for the stars!  No two routines will be the same, so don’t set yourself up for comparison. You do you!

Hebrews 12:1 says [New International Version] - 

Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles. And let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us. 

Don’t give up!  Go for your dreams - big or small.  If it’s something you love or are passionate about, what is stopping you? 

You’ve got this friend.  Put the pedal to the metal and go for it today.  As for us and Lilly, we will stick with our potty training lessons learned. The couch and carpet are thankful.


A Voice I’ve Grown to Miss

