To the Nieces and Nephews

I hope you know that you are beautiful and handsome.

Your soul radiates such joy.

I hope you know just how much you are loved.

You have and are teaching me so much.

I hope you know that you are enough as you grow up and venture out into this world.

That you are loved and cared for.

I hope you know I’ll always have your back.

I’ll always cheer for you.

This world may be big.

The days may seem daunting.

The news may be overwhelming.

But your dreams are so much bigger.

Shoot for the stars.

It may seem cliche, but as you grow you will realize that to dream and work hard to fulfill them, is always what God had in mind for you.

I hope you know that I’ll always be a listening ear if there ever come times when you feel you need to speak and get things off your chest.

I hope you know that I’ll always be ready to spend time with you, no matter how tired I may be.

For you have taught me to see the world in a different way.

To be thankful for the breeze, the trees, the animals.

To be attentive in this world.

For God has given us so many blessings, we are to stop moving so quickly that we miss what is right in front of us.

I hope you know you have taught me how to love.

To love with a generous spirit.

And to not be afraid to be loved in return.

I hope you never grow out of wanting to give me big hugs and yell my name when I come to visit.

I hope to always watch you have fun with your cousins.

I hope to watch as you grow to accomplish so many great things in this life.

You are precious and treasured.

I hope you know that above all of the love I have for you, God loves you so much more.

He created you just perfectly.

You are a gift to our family and know you will always have a place to call home with us.

You may be young now, but as the months continue to flip on the calendar, you are growing up fast.

This world is at your fingertips.

As you go into the world, go with courage.

Go with wisdom.

Go with love.

Go and change the world, for you have changed mine for the better.

Matthew 19:13-15 NIV - Then people brought little children to Jesus for him to place his hands on them and pray for them. But the disciples rebuked them. Jesus said, “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.” When he had placed his hands on them, he went on from there.


Who is God?


Letting Go