Thunderstorms + A Reminder to Be Still

The sky starts to darken. The wind begins to pick up. There’s an eerie chill in the air.

With summer in full swing, it seems there’s a risk for a storm to come up any day, at any time. What we don’t know is just how bad it can get.

Sure, we can watch the news or swipe through our weather app to see the predictions. We can try to be prepared within reason. Sometimes it will still end up being more than we were ready for. Sometimes there will be hail, straight-line wind, or tornadoes. All of which can cause significant damage.

Such is with life. We go through our days doing all the things on our to-do lists. Most of us operate out of a proactive nature. Doing what we can to be as prepared as possible. We think about things like insurance, 401k’s, planning for college, and wearing seatbelts. We want to be prepared for the “if’s” that can occur.

Like thunderstorms that could turn severe, life can become stormy and tumultuous in a variety of ways. And often when we are least prepared. The diagnosis comes through, and it’s not good. The loved one continues to remain disconnected. The marriage is frayed from all angles.

There are so many storms that can rock our world. When a thunderstorm approaches, it takes away our plans for any outdoor activities. On a particular day when a literal storm came up in my neighborhood, God brought me a song. I felt like God Himself was speaking directly to me. Right where I was. Right in the midst of all that was going on, gently offering me a reminder to be still and trust Him in all of the storms of life. (Be Still - Red Rocks Worship)

I will choose life even in darkness.

Your truth lights a beautiful spark

In this heart and soul, be still and know.

That my fear's gone here in Your presence

A new song rises to heaven.

This heart and soul will be still and know

That You are good.

There’s a reminder for each of us today. To be still and know that God is in control. We can trust all of His Promises even amidst the storms of life. We can do our part, being responsible and prepared where we can. For the rest, we can trust that God has got it.

Psalm 46:9-10

He makes wars cease to the ends of the earth.

He breaks the bow and shatters the spear;

he burns the shields with fire.

He says, “Be still, and know that I am God;

I will be exalted among the nations; I will be exalted in the earth.”


Thank God I Do


And the Winner Is…