The Little Pink Bike

Pink handlebars. Pink seat. Pink and green frame. Cool white tires. That was my bike. My first set of big girl wheels. At one point, I’m sure they had training wheels attached, but they are no longer there now.

Many years have passed since I rode that bicycle, but my grandparents recently brought it to my house. It was the bike I rode at their home growing up. I was reminded my great-grandfather purchased it for me. Determined that I would have this bike to enjoy while growing up.

As I’ve looked at the bicycle, I can’t help but reminisce memories spent riding. We would race each other down the street. My brother and I, and a few of our local friends loved playing outside. We loved seeing how fast we could race down my grandparent's short street and then see who could leave the longest black mark at the end. That could be why the back tire looks extremely slick today. We did this for hours and hours.

I know I rode that bike until my legs were too long to comfortably ride. Others in my family also rode it. and now it’s back with me.

It’s still pink and green. The pink handlebars haven’t worn out. The chain may be a bit rusted, and the tires may be worn, but they aren’t flat. The kickstand is still as hard as ever to kick up. Apparently, I still don’t have the ”umph” needed to kick it hard enough.

Although I’m much too grown to ride comfortably, I haven’t outgrown the memories. Remembering the laughter, the fun, and the experiences as if they just happened yesterday. Memories are special that way, aren’t they? Sweet visions looking back. Often to much simpler seasons of life.

God designed us so uniquely that memories like my little pink bike would have a place to remain etched for another time. I can share these memories of myself growing up with my nieces and nephews, and maybe one day with my own children.

We may not realize it at the time, but the smallest things can be some of the biggest blessings. Some of the sweetest memories for us may seem like not a big deal for someone else. May we learn to cherish these special memories. To not let a single one go without giving thanks. At just the right moment, a sweet memory may come across your mind. Don’t let it slip away without giving God thanks for all that it entails. And don’t forget to cherish that moment.

Colossians 3:15-17, New English Translation

Let the peace of Christ be in control in your heart (for you were in fact called as one body to this peace), and be thankful. Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly, teaching and exhorting one another with all wisdom, singing psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs, all with grace in your hearts to God. And whatever you do in word or deed, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him.


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