Sweating Out the Stress

These days we are living, I think it’s safe to say that we are all familiar with the word “stress.” Whether personally in our own lives and spheres of influence, or on the news regarding our communities and our world. People are hurting everywhere.

I know what it feels like to be run down and tired. Running here and there trying to keep up with an endless number of responsibilities. Attempting to remain calm in a world that attempts to make us anxious the minute we wake up in the morning. Trying to rest in positive news when it seems there is bad news all over the place.

I’m tired of feeling run down and tired! God didn’t create us to be run down and tired. God started nudging me (as He often does) that I needed to better care for myself. I can do a lot of things, but I [am starting to realize that I] cannot do everything. Much less on my own.

This is why God provides us with friends. Someone who will come alongside us to cheer us on. To hold us accountable. To encourage us. To challenge us to be better humans.

God knew I needed to get active. To do some exercise. To sweat out some stress.

God knows me. He also knew I wouldn’t succeed with this decision very well on my own. I went from being a runner to not even wanting to walk to the mailbox. The struggles were and have been very real. I’m not hiding any details. God knew I would talk myself out of physical activity in a second.

God brought me a friend who invited me to join a weekly walking group. She not only invited me, but she walks with me. She has encouraged this weekly activity and social fellowship, which has become a highlight of each week and something I genuinely look forward to. Something that has made such a big difference in my life and overall well-being.

My friend has invested in me. This has made all of the difference. When you feel comfortable and like you can truly be yourself, the more you can embrace and enjoy every moment of life.

That should be our goal. To live in such a way in which we are thankful. Gratitude overflows from us. Taking in the sights and sounds around us, not overrun by stress, worry, anxiety, or fear. Living in this way is contagious. The joy radiates from us to those who are around us.

Life is much better together. We can bounce off of each other ideas and hold each other up when times are tough. We can also encourage each other to take care of ourselves. An activity as simple as walking each week has made such a positive impact on my overall well-being.

How can you invest in the lives of those around you? It doesn’t have to be something big and fancy, but something that speaks life to your closest friends. You may be blessed in return.

1 Thessalonians 5:11, MSG

So speak encouraging words to one another. Build up hope so you’ll all be together in this, no one left out, no one left behind. I know you’re already doing this; just keep on doing it.


A Word to the Overwhelmed


Who is God?