Something Has to Break

Have you ever found yourself in a place where you have just had enough? Eager for a break from reality, but no vacation in sight. Like “give me a break” times a thousand.

I understand this feeling.

I’ve been there, and I don’t like it either.

It’s hard to trust God when we feel like nothing is changing. When we look at a situation from a million different angles and nothing seems to be working. There’s no end in sight and we can’t see the light at the end of the tunnel.

Something has to break.

Something has to give.

We keep showing up. We keep loving when we don’t get any love in return. We keep praying and don’t see any miracles.

I know it’s hard, but just because we can’t see a solution in the situation doesn’t mean that God isn’t up to something. We have to reach a point where we relinquish our control over the situation and hand it over to Him. God is the only one who can work miracles. And I believe He’s still in the business of showing up.

I know how helpless it feels when you love someone dearly and can’t make choices for them to get them out of certain circumstances. I know how broken it feels when you can’t make something right even when you had nothing to do with it. I know how desperate it feels to want something so bad and to watch everyone else get what you’ve been waiting so long for.

Something has to break.

Something has to give.

When it feels like you’ve done all you can do, it’s easy to give in to an overwhelming feeling of despair. When we become weak, the enemy manages to take hold of what we barely have left - faith. I’m writing today to urge you not to give up on God.

In moments where you most feel like giving up, cling to God. There is a true plan and purpose for everything we are experiencing and walking through. No circumstance is unknown by God and He can take anything and turn it into good.

I feel it in this room, Holy Spirit, move. 'Cause when You have your way, something has to break. Take out every lie, and set the wrong thing right. 'Cause when you have your way, something has to break.

Something has to break. Something has to break. Right now in your name, something has to break.

I believe You'll lead me through it. I believe You'll get me to it. I believe that You will do it right now. 'Cause something has to break.

2 Corinthians 9:8 NIV

And God is able to bless you abundantly, so that in all things at all times, having all that you need, you will abound in every good work.


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