SEE Good Days


Have you ever just had one of those days?  You know - you’re running late, you spill your coffee, nothing seems to be lining up right.  You’re kind of feeling like you’re over it well before you’ve barely even started.  Yeah?  Me too, friend, me too.  

Today, as I’m writing, is one of those days for me.  It’s just blah.  You may not even be able to quite put your finger on it yourself, but it just feels hard to “adult.”  Some days we just aren’t feeling it.  And it’s okay!

Just don’t stay there!

I came across a quote [I LOVE quotes] that struck me.  Probably even more so because it was just a tough day for many different reasons.  Here it goes:

Today, if anything is trying to hold you back,

give no attention to it,

get your hopes up,

get your faith up,

look up,

and get ready to rise up.

-Germany Kent (emphasis mine)

I mean...yeah.  I had to read it a few times to really let it sink in.  Is anything or anyone trying to hold you back?  Do you feel surrounded on all sides by negativity?  What is keeping you from rising up right now?

I challenge you to examine your life and your world.  Is there anything keeping you from being you?  What does your best self look like?  How do we become the best version of ourselves?

For me, I believe a lot has to do with our perspective, our attitude, our thoughts.  You know we can be our own worst enemy.  I’m not sure about you, but patience is something I am not always great with.  Actually, it’s something I strive to become better with.  I’m so challenged lately with my perspective.  How am I responding in the waiting?  Do others notice?  Am I pointing people to Jesus?

I try to focus on the positive, no matter what the situation.  I want to be honest with you - I’ve walked through some pretty rough seasons.  But on the flip side, I’ve shared in the highest of highs and those moments that you’re so happy you take a mental picture so that you will remember just how you feel in that moment.  Friend, I pray you know what a moment like that feels like.  But, in order to be honest with ourselves, we both know life will have us feeling up, down, or somewhere in between.

I choose to SEE good days.  To focus on positive moments.  To cherish the little moments, because I believe they really are the big things.  You learn a lot from choosing to be positive.  People will notice.  They will wonder how in the world you are managing even though you may be walking through nothing but discomfort.  People are nosy, haha.

There’s actually verses in the Bible that challenge us to SEE the good.  Here you go…

Psalm 34:12-14 [New International Version]:
Whoever of you loves life

and desires to see many good days,

keep your tongue from evil

and your lips from telling lies.

Turn from evil and do good;

seek peace and pursue it.

As a brief background, Psalm 34 was written by David.  King Saul, in charge so to speak at the time, threatened David.  David lived in fear.  He often wrote Psalms in times of adversity.  Personally, I find it interesting just how David can speak of a positive, even when there was so much discord going on around him.  It truly speaks of praise and worship in our deepest times of need.  You’ll also find the verses spoken by the Apostle Paul in 1 Peter 3:10-11.

I’m not sure about you, but I want to SEE my good days.  I want to diligently make the choice daily to SEE good moments, even when I’m having one of those “blah” days like I mentioned earlier.  Friend, it’s a choice.  It requires grace.  It requires give and take.  It requires a willingness to accept that not every day will be good, but there’s something good inside it if you choose to take the time to look.

Let’s take the time to look today.


Peace and the Dental Chair


Choosing to Begin Again