Read this Book - Seeing God as a Perfect Father

Here’s another title I’d like to recommend.

Title: Seeing God as a Perfect Father

Author: Louie Giglio

My Rating: 5 out of 5 stars

Louie Giglio is one of my favorite Christian authors. As a pastor of Passion City Church in Atlanta, he has quite the platform for sharing the gospel. He and his wife Shelley are the founders of the Passion Movement, a gathering of 18–25-year-olds seeking to follow Jesus and celebrate that publicly.

I first read Seeing God as a Perfect Father last year. It was one of those in which I had to jot down notes. It resonated with my heart. It hadn’t been long since my earthly father had died. Like many I presume, our relationship had its fair share of ups and downs.

“God is not the reflection of your earthly dad. He is the perfection of your earthly dad.”

“Ignoring our wounds isn’t going to help them heal.”

Being honest about our story is a step toward healing. As I’ve found in my own life, sometimes you have to take a moment and look back at your life so that you can look ahead to the wonderful future that awaits.

The truth is none of us are going to get through life without trials. Some of our trials can occur in our family of origin. That doesn’t mean something is wrong with us. It also doesn’t mean that we are destined for that same exact lifestyle. Generations don’t have to continue to carry dysfunction.

Don’t be afraid of what your story carries. God still has His hand in it, even if it seems complicated or confusing. I didn’t realize what God was doing at the time, but now looking back I see that God was always there.

“Sometimes we get all tangled up in our family tree, and we fail to see the primacy of the tree that is the Cross of Calvary and the vital connection between the two.”

It’s not cliche when I say that there is a method to the madness. God has a plan and a purpose for all that we may face in our lives.

Jesus died for you and me. He died for the richest person in the world and the poorest person in the world. He died for your earthly dad just as he did for your earthly mom. He died for us so that we may all have access to eternal life with Him in Heaven when that time comes.

I enjoyed this read. It was an uplifting reminder that God is sovereign and just. He makes no mistakes, and he carries the power to redeem any and every story.

No action of our earthly dad or any other family member means that we should be held or stuck in that same generational curse. When we release those into God’s Hands, He can offer the healing we need to persevere. We are not forsaken.

John 3:16, NLT

For this is how God loved the world: He gave his one and only Son, so that everyone who believes in him will not perish but have eternal life.


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