Read this Book - Like a River

Here’s another pick to add to your TBR list.

Title: Like a River

Author: Granger Smith

My Rating: 5 out of 5 stars

Many may know Granger Smith from his time as a country music star and his vast social media presence. After many years touring the world, he had quite the audience. He referred to his life being great until the unthinkable happened. His youngest son tragically died in a drowning accident in his back yard.

It drove me to a darker place than I’d ever known was possible.

As someone who’s also witnessed the horrible nature of a drowning, I resonated with Smith so much. I felt the deep ache. I understood the darkness. I knew exactly the images that would replay over and over in your mind and often when you least expected it, and with the slightest trigger.

When the author wrote about the pain, I too, felt a punch in my gut full of grief emotions. Though twenty years have passed since my traumatic experience and much healing has come, I still felt myself cry and grieve as if everything I had been through had just been yesterday. I appreciated the raw honesty he shared. It felt as if someone understood. And unfortunately, it was because he did.

“The truth is, everyone is hurting from something - even the people you think have it all together.

What truth and vulnerability. At the time of his son’s death, Granger Smith was in the spotlight. A lot of eyes were on him. When tragedy struck, how would he continue? What would his life become?

It’s easy to assume that certain people have it all together. The image we see on social media indicates all is 100% well. People are carrying a lot more weight than we all know. Everyone processes grief and pain differently. One thing is certain though, our world needs more kindness. And it can start with you and me.

“Loss is not only a part of our lives, it’s also necessary for us to truly understand joy. Trusting that God has a plan for His people allows us to not be surprised when the fiery trial comes but instead to rest in the joy that coexists with the suffering.”

“God, what are you trying to show me through this heartache?”

May we live with brave hearts. Life will continue to ebb and flow, and we will all get a taste of grief at some point in our lives. Some of those ebbs may be heavier than others. May we be brave enough to seek God’s will in the midst of the trial. Trusting that underneath the pain, He is making beauty out of the ashes.

I thoroughly enjoyed this read. I’m thankful for his vulnerability to share the raw side of grief. Grab some tissues and read. I think you’ll be glad you did.

Isaiah 61:3, NLT (emphasis mine)

To all who mourn in Israel, he will give a crown of beauty for ashes, a joyous blessing instead of mourning, festive praise instead of despair. In their righteousness, they will be like great oaks that the Lord has planted for his own glory.


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