Lessons and a bag of fluids


A recent bout of sickness led to me taking a trip to the local emergency room.  The visit got me thinking.  We really have so much to be thankful for, however we are often too busy to notice; or at least I find that about myself.  I neglect to see God’s goodness when I’m so set in my day-to-day routine.  Here are a few things I couldn’t stop thinking about after my visit.

1. We have access to healthcare.  This is a big deal.

So many in our world do not have this privilege.  That may be hard to fathom in our country where you can go to an urgent care or emergency room when you have a need.  These places are often over-run and misused as people forget just what they are there for.  Don’t take for granted that you have access to healthcare and medications if/when they are needed.

2. To wait for any reason in an emergency room is a blessing.

Initially, you may feel a little taken aback by this, but hang on.  Usually if you are in the emergency room, you don’t feel well, and want your needs met quickly.  Who doesn’t when they don’t feel good?  I was reminded in the waiting, of the other patients in surrounding rooms.  All with a need of some sort.  You don’t really know what the needs are and whether or not there is a critical patient in the trauma bay requiring all hands on deck to save a life.  So, if I’m alert and breathing, maybe in a little pain, it’s okay to wait - it’s a blessing to wait because I am alive.

3. Nurses deserve a hug. [Or an elbow tap or air high five since we still have COVID around.]

I’m not just saying this as a fellow RN - I don’t work in the emergency room.  Coming in as a patient you realize just the blessing your nurse is.  They meet you where you are.  They see you at your weak moments (I know I looked rough).  They help you get into a gown and maintain your privacy.  They help you walk to the bathroom when you feel too weak.  They advocate for you.  They reassure you.  All while taking care of other people.  I was not the only patient, however, felt as if my needs were met. The reason I was there was important.  These people/nurses have families at home y’all.  They are tired.  Some of them are pulling extra shifts because there are holes in the schedule that need to be filled.  They are the real MVP’s.  

4. Even when I feel at my worst, there is still someone, somewhere, going through so much more than me.

Even though I’ve encountered a mild setback, I am alive and breathing and overly healthy.

It really puts things into perspective when you stop and think about it.  If you’re at all like me, we are often quick to point out all of the things wrong in our lives.  Quickly forgetting the blessings we have been given, even at that moment.  So today, I am thankful for my health.  Thankful for access to healthcare.  Thankful for the waiting and the nurses who met my needs.  And so thankful that I am alive and breathing.  

Next time you’re under the weather - which may come even if it’s a cold or stomach bug - remember how blessed you are.  You have access, like me, to the things to meet your needs.  We are so blessed, y’all. 


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