Eat Dessert First

I’ve never met anyone in my life who loved ice cream more than Neno.  She ate it daily.  Sometimes more than once daily.  Any flavor, anytime of day; she preferred the sweets.  She had probably tried every flavor at the store!  When she went grocery shopping, her time on the frozen food aisle was significantly longer than any other aisle.  Picking out ice cream was a big deal!  Klondike bars, mini cups, pints of flavors, soft serve - if it was ice cream, Neno was there.


Neno was my grandmother.  Her personality was as sweet as her sweet tooth.  To know her was to love her.  Always with a smile on her face, Neno enjoyed every moment of every day.

There is not a time I can remember in which Neno was not positive and uplifting.  Even at the funerals of her precious sister and her beloved husband, though devastated, Neno cherished the blessing each day gave her.  I enjoyed watching her enjoy life.  Taking in both good and tough times with gratitude.

Neno enjoyed time in her swing.  Walking around the yard picking up sticks.  Going for walks, at her pace only, and no faster.  And she enjoyed laughing all the time.  She loved life and valued the simple things.

She drew people to her with her joyful spirit.  How?  She loved life, she was grateful for each moment, and she saw the good in each day.  Friend, you and I can do the same.

You and I can love life and be grateful for all of the moments we have, big or small.  We can find joy in ice cream, watching fireworks, roasting s’mores, or in the smell of fresh cut grass in the summer.  Most often, these places and things are right under our nose every day.

Be mindful as you go out and about today.  Don’t miss opportunities to stop and be thankful.  To stop and enjoy this beautiful life that you are given.  Don’t be too busy to miss the cool breeze on a hot summer day, the flowers blooming by your mailbox, or the person who needs a smile on your evening walk through town.

May we seek to enjoy this beautiful life we have been given.  May we choose hearts of gratitude.  May we live giving God the praise for the good and the bad.  And like Neno, let’s eat dessert first!

Ephesians 5:20 - New International Version:

Always giving thanks to God the Father, for everything.


To those who feel defeated…


Lessons and a bag of fluids