I’m So Proud of Her

I’m so proud of her.

The hard work.

Dedication and commitment.

She just kept showing up.

Day in and day out.

Even on the tough days.

When she felt down, she got back up.

When her confidence was shaken and fear reared its ugly head, she chose to stand up even taller.

When depression made the nights so long, she believed there were better days ahead.

I’m so proud of her.

There were so many reasons to just give up.

It was easy to see why depression, fear, anxiety, and shame had staked their claim.

How did she keep showing up? And why?

God gave her strength.

God gave her the ability to persevere.

God helped her do the hard things.

It was too much to do alone.

It was a lot of looking back.

A lot of healing she already thought she had done.

Looking back with grace for herself.

Looking ahead with hope for the future.

She has learned to believe in herself.

She has learned to love herself.

I’m so proud of her.

It has been a long journey, and it’s not yet over.

She’s doing the hard work, and she’s got a good support system.

She’s determined to live her life to the fullest.

She’s on a journey to be all that she can be.

That she is me.

I’m so very proud of her.

Psalm 27:13, NIV - I remain confident of this: I will see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living.


A Way Back


Um, Hello, Imposter?