I Hope They Know These Things

I hope my friends know just how much they mean to me.

I hope they know how much I look up to them.

How much I admire their wisdom, demeanor, and perseverance.

I hope they know.

I hope they know I couldn’t do life without them.

They pick me up when I’m down.

They hold me accountable when I’m feeling astray.

I hope they know.

I hope they know I value their advice.

They are wise beyond their years.

Always speaking the truth, I need to hear.

I hope they know.

I hope they know I absolutely love laughing with them.

The muscle cramps from laughing too hard are precious memories.

I don’t want to take the blessing of laughter for granted.

I hope they know.

I hope they know I’ll always be here for them.

Life can bring discouragement and pain, and there are times we don’t always get to be together.

I’ll always be here, praying for them along the way.

I hope they know.

I hope they know that above all, I’m thankful that God made us friends.

Proverbs 18:24 MSG

Friends come and friends go,

but a true friend sticks by you like family.


Let it Go, Let it Go!


They Were MINE.