Do Not Do It


Ugh, just the word makes me cringe. Change is hard. As you can tell, I’m not a fan. Yes, I know, it’s a part of life and we will all be affected at some point or another.

I’m sure you know how it feels. Even if the changes are wonderful, it's still a time in which your routine is thrown off. Then with anxiety in the mix, my brain cannot understand everything and in turn, I feel all out of sorts. I don’t think I’m the only one.

In a weekly devotional, I read a quote that got me. It immediately hit me deeply and I had to sit in the moment before I could think of anything to say.

“Wild, how the most beautiful gifts can be perceived as the heaviest burdens when our focus shifts into a place of believing,

‘It’s on me to hold everything together.’” -Hannah Brencher

I felt like she was talking about me and directly to me. It has become more apparent to me the reason I despise change boils down to a level of control I like to have. There’s safety in comfortable. And I’ve always had this weird role that it was up to me to make sure everyone was happy on every occasion. Very unrealistic, I now know.

I had to stop and thank God for all that He has given me. There are so many blessings, and it pains me that I crumble amidst it all at the enemy’s voice causing my anxiety to keep me from enjoying anything in this life.

Friend, it is not up to you and me to hold all the things together. We can rest in the comfort of our Heavenly Father. Knowing that He is the only one to know all of the details that this life can and will bring. I want to be so interwoven in my love for God that I trust His leading. I want to trust His leading in the good times and in the bad, for his ways are better than mine.

May we handle the changes in this life with the knowledge that God is in control. May we handle things one moment at a time, with thankful hearts in every season. This life is meant to be a gift.

Psalm 119:35

Lead me in the path of your commandments, for I delight in it.


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