Caution: Fragile

You’ve seen the stickers before, haven’t you? Stuck to a package either you are mailing or one you’ve received. Or it’s plastered on top of a suitcase during airplane travel. All to educate others handling the essential package to - be kind.

Handle with care. There is something inside at risk of breaking and someone doesn’t want it to break. What is fragile means enough to someone that he or she takes measures to keep it whole.

I need a fragile sticker for my life. Can I get an amen?

Life is hard. Sometimes we get hit with more than we can handle. Then we feel exhausted, at the end of our rope, and trying our best to hold it all together.

We may find ourselves going through the motions, not wanting anyone to truly know how we are doing. We are quick to mask our emotions. Even while around those closest to us.

I’m not sure about you, but when I’m at my weakest, I need kindness. When I’m having a bad day or feeling emotional for whatever reason, I need grace not criticism. When I’m at my worst, I need encouragement, not a lecture.

Perhaps you agree and share these thoughts.

Our world and our communities need positivity. I don’t think we will find all of the answers to all of our questions on this side of Heaven, but I think we can find something to help spur us along. And that is through kindness.

Kindness is something you and I need. The same is true for our coworkers, our neighbors, and the ones working the drive-thru at our favorite coffee shop. Our pastors need it, and our political leaders need it. Our world needs more kindness.

We may not know just what someone is dealing with. We may have only a brief encounter with them but our attitude and how we treat them can last even longer. Passing someone in the hallway, walking by your coworker's office, or saying hello to a neighbor on an evening walk through town.

It doesn’t matter where we are or what we do for a living, we can all be kind. It doesn’t require a lot of us to share a smile, to hold the door for someone, to walk with our head up and not on our cell phones, or to share something positive on our social media platform.

Doing something simple like this carries with it so much power. It may not seem like much but the kindness you share can be the answer to someone’s prayer. On my hard days and on my easy days, I need kindness. In turn, I must share that kindness with others.

2 Corinthians 1:3-4 NKJV -

Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of mercies and God of all comfort, who comforts us in all our tribulation, that we may be able to comfort those who are in any trouble, with the comfort with which we ourselves are comforted by God.

Because we ourselves have been blessed, we can in turn share those blessings and kindness with others. We each have the power to change the world. Start by being kind and being there for others. I guarantee you will be blessed in return.


I Show Up For Me


Count on Me