But I’m Scared

I’ve had my fair share of allergic reactions. So much so that I can definitely say I don’t want to experience it anymore. I don’t want to even so much as see any tree nuts because they don’t get along well with my body’s allergic histamine response. What’s even worse is there are so many risks for cross-contamination. Terrifying in the least.

If you’re not familiar with all that can happen during an allergic reaction, keep reading as I share some of my experiences.

In my case, it’s a food allergen so often a reaction happens after eating something contaminated with tree nuts. Within minutes the itching begins. Lips start to tingle and your throat feels weird, often scratchy like you need to down fluids quickly. A warm sensation floods your body. You start shaking, but you’re not cold, you’re sweating. You immediately know this is not just in your head.

If it gets bad enough, your vision starts to blur. Your stomach gets nauseated, and you often vomit trying to rid your body of the allergen. Before long, your throat starts swelling and it gets harder and harder to swallow even water.

These episodes are terrifying. They can come on really quick and out of the blue especially if you thought what you were eating was safe. For someone with severe food allergies, you cannot go anywhere without emergency medications.

In a recent encounter with my allergen, I saw once again how you are in a race against time. In my moments of need, I’ve always been blessed to be around people who knew just what I needed and how to handle the situation so that things wouldn’t escalate. These people have remained calm, putting my needs first in times of emergency.

I’m asked in these moments after starting the medication process, “Do you need your epi” and “Do we need to go to the emergency room.” I’m a nurse, it’s true what they say that we are the worst patients. But do you want to know the real reason I don’t want to follow through with these recommendations? I’m scared.

It’s amazing to me just how much fear envelops me in these situations. My body clearly knows something is wrong and all the symptoms I experience are alerting me that my body is desperately trying to remove the allergen and keep me alive. God designed our bodies so intricately. I’m thankful for all that is available to us in our moments of need, even if I must admit I’m terrified in the process.

As we each prepare to enter a new year, may we do so with courage and grace. May we persevere even in moments in which we are afraid. May we live with the faith that God provides for us in all of our moments of need. Even if we do things afraid, we are strong in God’s arms.

2 Corinthians 13: 9-12 MSG

We don’t just put up with our limitations; we celebrate them, and then go on to celebrate every strength, every triumph of the truth in you. We pray hard that it will all come together in your lives. I’m writing this to you now so that when I come, I won’t have to say another word on the subject. The authority the Master gave me is for putting people together, not taking them apart. I want to get on with it, and not have to spend time on reprimands. And that’s about it, friends. Be cheerful. Keep things in good repair. Keep your spirits up. Think in harmony. Be agreeable. Do all that, and the God of love and peace will be with you for sure.


What They Don’t Know


Love for Ourselves and Others