A Letter to the Woman Who’s Waiting, Like Me

It’s not where I thought I’d be.

Growing older day by day, not raising the babies I just knew would look like me.

I wonder so much what life would be like with them.

Running, playing, or going for a swim.

Watching them grow up tall.

Being there for every moment big and small.

It’s strange not being where I thought I’d be.

Why them and not me?

It’s not my body’s fault, or is it?

An unfortunate turn of events whether I like it or not.

It’s been such a difficult journey.

One with a lot of tears, questions, and more.

It’s easy to feel alone when you’re struggling.

Juggling all of the emotions while feeling as if others just don’t understand.

I get it.

I really do.

If this is meant to be my story, I will choose to persevere.

I’ll pick up my head and carry on.

I know it won’t be easy.

For things in this world aren’t meant to be.

Waiting seasons are never fun.

But Jesus said the battle has already been won.

I’ll choose to wait with my head held high.

For God’s plan doesn’t change, even as the days go by.

One day soon I’ll understand.

Just what it took for God to send us His only Son.

No greater love.

Than what was sent from above.

Reminding me He knows my heart and hears my prayers.

And will answer just when the time is right.

For He holds my heart like no one else.

And I am loved just as I am.

So if this waiting season continues on,

I’ll keep my head held high.

My gaze will be on Heaven.

And I’ll be proud of the woman who loved herself in the waiting.

Romans 15:4, New Living Translation

Such things were written in the Scriptures long ago to teach us. And the Scriptures give us hope and encouragement as we wait patiently for God’s promises to be fulfilled.


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