A Cloudy Day in the Treestand

Just when we least expect it, God can open our eyes to pivotal lessons.  Didn’t necessarily expect to learn a lesson while sitting about eighteen feet up in a tree, but that is how God moves!

I didn’t grow up hunting.  It wasn’t something I watched my family do, nor was it something I heard my core group of friends talk much about.  When I met Ben, I had the opportunity to learn about hunting.  Not only have I, myself, grown to love the sport, I have also grown to love the beauty of nature so often seen while spending a few hours off the grid.

One particular fall afternoon, Ben and I were sitting in a treestand together.  For once I felt like I was being quiet, sitting still, and not having to pull out the iPad to pass the time.  It was cold and it was cloudy.  And I was trying to figure out what I wanted for dinner.  If you know me, you know these are two areas that I struggle - being cold and being hungry.

As it was getting dark, I managed to glimpse the largest deer I have ever seen.  In a matter of seconds and a moment of true love from Ben, I was able to stand next to my 10-pointer.  Excited was an understatement!

The purpose of writing all of that was not to just talk about the hunt.  Though exciting, the lesson behind was key.  One of the first things Ben said during this experience stuck out to me.

“Patience, Courtney.”

He also said - “If you always jump for the first thing, you may miss what is coming.”

So good.

How many times in life do I continuously jump to conclusions, or try to fix things on my own without following God’s leading?  Depending on the situation, I often get so eager for plans to work out as I had planned, not necessarily according to what God has in store for me.  Honestly, I think it’s in our human nature.

God has such unique plans in store for each of our lives.  Plans that I believe, far outweigh anything we could ever hope or dream.

I haven’t been the most patient girl, in the treestand, or life, but I’m a work in progress.

May we choose to embrace each day we are given.  May we cherish each moment.  May we learn to cultivate patience and trust God is working things for us that are far greater than anything we could ever think or imagine.  


Christmas Joy


A Season of Light