When You Wake Up

When you wake up and the pain is there, remember - God is not done.

When you wake up and the night feels heavy, remember - God is here.

When you wake up and you cannot fight back the tears, remember - God knows each one.

When you wake up and feel like you don’t have the strength, remember - God is on His Throne. You are equipped for this battle.

When you wake up and don’t feel like you’re ready or capable to handle any responsibilities, remember - God has uniquely gifted you for this journey.

When you wake up and feel lonelier than ever, remember - God’s Holy Spirit is inside of you and goes everywhere with you. You are not alone.

When you wake up with a pit in your stomach, remember - There is nothing that God cannot do.

When you wake up and feel like you cannot breathe, remember - Take a deep breath and fill up your lungs. There is a plan for you today. You are alive and you are going to be okay.

When you wake up and dread an important meeting, remember that God is already there.

When you wake up and you just don’t think you can do things alone, remember - It is okay, to be honest. Grab a friend and do life together. God wants us to be in relationships with those around us. It is okay to ask for help and prayer. We all need a hand sometimes. Do not try to face life alone.

When you wake up and want to celebrate all of the goodness in your life, celebrate. Remember to thank God for the blessings and small victories every day.

Wake up each morning and fill your mind with positivity. Lay your head down to sleep and trust the God of the Universe to hold everything while you rest.

Believe that even though life can deal some tough cards, there is Hope for eternity on the horizon. One day we will be free from every stressor, every weight, every ache, and every tear.

Remember today that you are loved beyond measure. You are called to share unique gifts and talents with the world that are special to only you. The Creator God chooses you over and over and you are a loved son or daughter of the King. You are equipped with His strength for the journey.

Wake up every morning with Hope. God will give you strength for each moment today.

You’ve kept track of my every toss and turn
    through the sleepless nights,
Each tear entered in your ledger,
    each ache written in your book.

Psalm 56:8 MSG


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