When It’s Messy

When life is messy, God becomes more clear.

I haven’t always believed that to be true.  When you find yourself in the mess, it’s real.  It’s raw.  It’s tough.  It changes you - either for the good or for the bad.

The mess can be anything, big or small.  Some last only a few hours while others seem to keep you stuck for what seems like a never-ending time.  What we do in the middle of the mess says a lot about us.

How do you handle your thoughts in the chaos?

If I’m honest, when I find myself in the middle of a mess I’m quick to panic.  I’m quick to let anxious thoughts run away with my brain, and also my life.  I’m still in the process of learning how to do better!

Dr. Caroline Leaf, a well-known author and neuroscientist said this:

“We can go three weeks without food, three days without water, three minutes without oxygen - but we can’t even go for three seconds without thinking.”

Our thoughts and our thinking process is so pivotal. Pivotal to just who we become in this life.  I firmly believe how we walk through the messes in our lives, says a lot about who we are on the inside.

None of us are immune from trouble, whether you are a believer in Jesus or not. There will be days that are awesome, and there will be periods of waiting that may seem to never end.  Wherever you may find yourself today, know that God sees you and God knows you.  

God’s timing in our lives is always perfect.  It’s not cliche when I say that He’s always right on time.  Working things for our good and for His glory.

I came across this quote from author Hannah Brencher when working through an Advent study leading up to Christmas.  She was writing about God and how He is all-knowing.  He knows the good.  He knows the struggles.  He knows your dreams and your pet peeves, and He STILL loves you.

Imagine God saying this to you today - “I know where you are.  I see where you are on the map.  I’ve been there too, and I can promise you, you will come out of these woods.” (Hannah Brencher)

Don’t let the enemy take over your mind when you are weak or when you feel strong. Rest in God today.  Trust that He is enough for you every single day.

May you find hope today, wherever you are.  Even if you feel in the middle of a mess, know you are loved, seen, and known right where you are today.  May that be enough to quiet your thoughts and give you rest.

Philippians 4:8 New International Version

8 Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things.


The Steep Decline


What Do You Do?