Today, I Wrote the Struggle, Because We Can Do Hard Things

I can do hard things.

I can do hard things.

I can do hard things.

Somewhere along the way, someone once said that if you say something three times, you work on committing it to memory. Perhaps rewiring a piece of your brain to think or behave differently. To remind yourself that you can or will remember something important.

Doing hard things.

Probably not your idea of an afternoon of fun, huh? Yeah, not for me either. I’ve been pushing myself to show up even when I’m not feeling wild about it. When you walk through difficult seasons you often don’t realize just how much of a toll it starts to take on you. Or how much effort even the smallest of things require.

I hope that over these last few weeks you’ve celebrated the little victories in your life. That you’ve given yourself grace to show up even if some days you needed a little more encouragement. And maybe you realized that there is so much to be proud of yourself for. It’s much easier to be proud of and congratulate others, but when it comes to yourself, it’s a little harder. But no matter how hard it is, we can make progress every day to get where we want to be. No matter our age or where we are.

So today, I am proud of the girl who sat down and wrote about the struggle. Why? Because she realized that she could do hard things and that she could be proud of the girl who is showing up.

I’ve realized that I’m not alone in my struggles. Yes, our circumstances may look different, but we both have to choose to show up. We have to put in the work daily in order to get where we want to be. Treasuring every bit of growth that comes along the way.

God’s work never stops. When we lay down our heads at night, God is still God. He’s watching and working things out on our behalf. We can truly rest peacefully, giving each and every concern to our All-Knowing Father who is the only one who can handle our needs and concerns.

Depression and anxiety eating at you? Not too much for God.

Reconciliation needed in some of your relationships? Not too much for God.

Strength and peace needed for that surgery tomorrow? Not too much for God.

Still trying and still no baby? Not too much for God.

No matter the journey and no matter the circumstance, God is still at work. God is still God. He is the same this moment as He was yesterday, and He will be the same tomorrow. I don’t know about you, but that gives me hope. A sense of reassurance that I can indeed persevere and do hard things. You can too.

I’m so thankful for the good people in my life. Those who pour into my space positivity and encouragement. Celebrating the little things has been something I’ve been reminded of lately. Both from my writing mentor Hannah Brencher (check her out), and from my counselor, Rebeccah. I’ve been through seasons in my life where I needed to celebrate even when it has been hard. Because I’ve still been showing up. And you have too. These ladies have spoken godly wisdom into my life and reminded me to give myself the grace that I deserve. So don’t forget to celebrate who you are and what you’re accomplishing. And those who are helping you do it.

Acknowledge the pain you may be facing. Your pain is real and raw even if others don’t understand the toll it may be taking on you. Acknowledge the hard season, but also celebrate what you’re accomplishing too. Even if it doesn’t seem like much, if you are reading this, you are still showing up and that matters.

So, share your struggle.

Plant your garden. Or your flowers.

Make those brownies.

Take that trip.

Apply for that job.

Audition for that play.

Go get those groceries.

Whatever you do, just keep showing up. It will be worth it. I promise.

Isaiah 25:1, MSG

God, you are my God. I celebrate you. I praise you. You’ve done your share of miracle-wonders,

well-thought-out plans, solid and sure.


Beating Fear: Water Park Edition


Today, I Prepared the Garden