To the Friend Who’s Seen it All

Thank you.

For being there.

For listening to me vent, rant, whine, or complain.

Perhaps all at the same time.

For taking the time to spend with me.

To help me during tough times.

To celebrate with me when times are good.

To care for me when I’m sick and need medical attention.

For the road trips and drives just because, filled with windows down and music up.

For the no-judge, eat-all-you-want attitude.

For the push out of my comfort zone.

Even when I came back with endless responses about why I shouldn’t try something, or a cheer to go for my dream, whatever it may be.

For the laughs.

Whether we are laughing so hard together that we are crying and our sides hurt, or you are laughing at something I did. Laughter warms the soul. We all need it.

Thank you for believing in me.

Thank you for confiding in me.

For trusting me enough to share your struggles, your deepest hurts, and some of your greatest needs.

For allowing me to pray with you and your countless prayers on my behalf.

For the ability to come alongside you to do life. It’s much better together.

Thank you for teaching me so much.

For when I was trying to be there for you, you were the one blessing me. You probably didn’t realize it.

Please forgive me for not being the friend you deserved one hundred percent of the time.

For the times I didn’t say the right thing or when I did not see that you needed me. For all of the times, I may have been selfish or conceited.

Yet even though, you have loved me nonetheless.

You have cared for me, supported me, and encouraged me more than I’ll ever be able to thank you for.

You’ve seen me at my best, at my worst, and at all the areas in between.

Know that you are appreciated.

You are valued.

You are loved.

You are one of God’s greatest blessings in life.

I appreciate you being there.

I appreciate you loving me.

I appreciate you being the friend I didn’t know I needed all along.

Friends come and friends go, but a true friend sticks by you like family. Proverbs 18:24, MSG.


Letting Go


Code Blue