Time at the Airport

Are airports happy or sad places?

Is an airport full of happy and exciting experiences for you? Or do you feel super emotional in the comings and goings?

On a recent flight, I found myself enamored watching all of the people at the airport. I had a little time to wait while checking my bag so I couldn’t help but scan the room. Not only were there people everywhere, but all of the emotions too.

I saw children brimming with excitement over the thought of flying for the first time.

I saw tired parents dragging all of their gear all while trying to finagle their super-pumped kiddos.

I saw business class men and women dressed for important meetings, not wishing to be one minute behind schedule.

I saw military men and women giving the ultimate sacrifice, doing what so few of us would even consider doing.

I saw hugs. Lots of hugs. Hugs in the arrivals and hugs in the departures.

I saw lots of emotions felt.

I wonder if some of these folks were reuniting with loved ones for the first time in years. I wonder if they were leaving to begin a new experience in a new city. I wonder if they were watching a family member leave for military service, unsure of how long they would be gone.

I could sense the love. I could sense the meaningfulness of the relationships. I could sense the emotions all across the board.

I couldn’t help but think about my own life. The comings and the goings. Emotions are felt at all stages. It’s part of life, isn’t it?

We are meant to come and go. Much like the seasons that change, we too change. We must embrace this life before us and all that we must learn.

God didn’t intend for us to stay the same for our entire lives. Now, we aren’t all meant to travel all over the world, but we are all meant to grow. To take in the highs and lows, and to embrace each day with an open mind.

We must choose to love without fear. For to love others and have others love us, is one of the greatest gifts. I don’t know about you, but I don’t want to take that for granted.

I want to give the hugs. I want to be real with my emotions. I want to embrace the biggest blessings that God has ever given.

I want to go on adventures. To say, “see you later” and “hello.” To take the pictures and fix the scrapbook.

So, the next time you find yourself at an airport take a little extra time. Be aware of the people around you and the emotions they may be encountering. They may need the kindness that God meant for you to extend at that moment. Oh, and extend the hug to your loved ones. Be thankful for that opportunity.

Isaiah 45:2 KJV

I will go before thee and make the crooked places straight.


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