There By That Pool

It’s one of those places where you go and are instantly calm. A place that speaks rest. An area in which you can encounter God.

I am blessed to have some family in the great state of Florida. Like many Floridians, they have a pool. Not only have I had many fun floats here and dinners by the water, but it's also a place of calmness. It’s a place where I’ve met God.

I’ve learned how God shows up in some of the most ordinary places to remind us of His presence. To remind us that we are not alone. To remind us that He is still God even when nothing makes sense.

There by that pool, I took steps out of my comfort zone. I worked on countless projects that have since grown my career in healthcare. I started working with hospitalized children and learned how to help them cope while in the hospital. I studied many hours by that pool, hoping I would one day make a difference in the lives of those I served.

There by that pool, I sat after a minor surgical procedure. Thankfully nothing serious, but I remember sitting by that pool while I rested and gradually regained my appetite.

There by that pool, I sat and watched my own dad swim for the last time. My family helped him in and out and my dad floated around for hours, enjoying every minute. I remember sitting by that pool the same evening with tears streaming down my face. I knew that because of my dad’s ALS diagnosis, this would likely be the last trip to Florida with him. And it was.

There by that pool, I sat trying to come to terms with an unexpected death. Geary was like a father figure to me and it was hard for me to come to terms with the fact that he wasn’t going to come walking through the door again. I felt lost.

But there by that pool on each of these encounters and more, I was never alone. God was closer than I could ever imagine. He heard every prayer I prayed, saw every tear I cried, and was there in every moment I didn’t know how to do anything but play a song of worship.

I remember sitting by that pool and meeting God. At my best or at my worst it did not matter. Each time, God was there.

There was nothing expected of me other than to be myself. All I could do was be myself and trust God to pick up the pieces of the chaos I felt in my life. And each time, He did.

I remember playing one song numerous times by that pool. The lyrics brought peace amidst an array of emotions.

You are Alpha, Omega, Beginning, and End.

You’re Savior, Messiah, Rose of Sharon.

You are my Healer, my Redeemer, you’re my closest friend.

You’re still God when I don’t understand.

You’re still God when nothing makes sense.

You’re still God so I’ll build my life on this.”

I don’t know what you’re facing today. You may feel as if you have pieces of chaos in your own life, much like I have. Choose today to meet God. Be available to meet Him in even the most ordinary of places. He’s doing wondrous work in your life. Sometimes it just takes a little while to understand it.

Let God into the pieces of your life. He is still God, no matter what.

1 Chronicles 16:8-11, MSG

Thank God! Call out his Name!

Tell the whole world who he is and what he’s done!

Sing to him! Play songs for him!

Broadcast all his wonders!

Revel in his holy Name, God-seekers, be jubilant!

Study God and his strength, seek his presence day and night;

Remember all the wonders he performed.


3, 2, 1…Pause


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