Standing in the Gap

Prayer takes us places. It is powerful yet simple at the same time. Changing us with each word spoken.

My godmother and I were chatting recently about prayer. How certain circumstances can leave us feeling defeated or discouraged, while others leave us wondering what to do in a particular situation. Having a secure prayer life is vital to navigating life.

It’s easy to feel overwhelmed when we are praying over and over for something specific. Like - “Excuse me, God, you forget anything?” Not seeing our results as quickly as we would like often leads to frustration. Whether we are praying for discernment or deliverance or both, we want to see results. I know I’m not very patient.

On the phone that day, we shared about our prayers for those items closest to our hearts. Being the wise lady that she is, she told me that sometimes we have to stand in the gap for each other.

There will be times we want something or are waiting for something for so long. Moments we don’t know what to do about a decision. Times in which we can do nothing but pray and pray diligently.

My prayer life tends to ebb and flow. If I can be honest, I get frustrated when I don’t see answers. I needed a revelation in my attitude toward prayer in general. I got just that during our conversation.

I cannot quit thinking about this idea. I’ve found myself walking down the hallway at work, standing outside with our dog, or during a hot shower -

“God help me stand in the gap for _____.”

People are on my heart. Important decisions are on my heart. There’s a lot of tough stuff on my heart. It’s impossible and unrealistic of me to think that I can hold all of the things and fix them all. But God can.

To stand in the gap and pray for someone or alongside someone is a big deal. Choosing to stand in that gap and keep praying even when we don’t see the results we want or as quickly as we want speaks wisdom. Prayer is powerful and our faithful God is still in the business of performing miracles.

I’m learning just how vital it is to have prayer warriors. Those who we can trust to lift up a prayer for us, no matter what the reason. Even those we can ask to lift a prayer just because the day has been tough. Our prayer warriors stand in the gap for us.

I’m grateful for my prayer warriors. If there is a way for me to pray for you, please let me know. There is much power in prayer. I cannot do everything, but I can do something. Perhaps it is to stand in the gap for you today.

1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 MSG Be cheerful no matter what; pray all the time; thank God no matter what happens. This is the way God wants you who belong to Christ Jesus to live.


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