Security Checkpoint

In order to get on an airplane, you must first go through security. Your luggage goes through checks. Your carry-on items are screened. You and I walk through x-ray machines.

Once we have the thumbs up or all-clear from TSA, we go about our business, finding our departing gate and grabbing a quick snack. On one of my recent traveling escapades, I watched other passengers in the security checkpoint line ahead of me.

Some were removing items from their bags. Shoes were coming off. Pockets were emptied. Then there were some standing on the pictures of feet with your hands above your head. Just a couple of seconds while an x-ray snapped a full body photo. All to ensure no one was smuggling any items that were not allowed on the airplane. All to keep everyone safe, including me.

As I often do when I have a few minutes alone, I started thinking. Not so much a picture of what I am carrying on my person as seen by airport security, but what do I look like on the inside? What kind of spirit am I giving off? One that is of this world or one that reflects Jesus Christ?

Galatians chapter five speaks of qualities we should exemplify in our lives. As Christians, when we choose to live for Christ, we also make a choice to live like Christ. In such a way that others know what and who is important to us.

Galatians 5:22-25 NIV -

But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. Against such things there is no law. Those who belong to Christ Jesus have crucified the flesh with its passions and desires.  Since we live by the Spirit, let us keep in step with the Spirit.

Dr. Crawford Loritts, best-selling author and pastor shares this quote regarding how we should live as Christians.

“The more we yield to the Spirit, the more we will look like Jesus Christ.”

I took this to mean in my life that my time spent with God will be a direct reflection of my overall life. The way I respond to stress, chaos, change, and disruption of plans. Am I a ticking time bomb about to explode or do I exemplify a heart of grace and gratitude even when things aren’t going my way?

I’m honest when I say it depends on the day, but it is an area I am diligently working to change for the better. I want to wake up motivated each day to live with a spirit that exudes positive qualities. What about you? The world needs the kindness and positivity you can bring today.


Please Stop!


This is War: Will I Win or Lose?