An Allergic Reaction and a New Queen

Well, allergies got me again.

Another allergic reaction landed me in the emergency room.

Not too far shy of one year, making progress staying out of the ER for allergic reactions, but alas, here I was.  Back again despite all of my best efforts to stay well.

For those of you who are new around here, I have a severe allergy to tree nuts. Last year it wreaked havoc and had me visiting the emergency room on the regular.  I had been doing so much better.

I’m always left feeling really thankful for life after a reaction.  The struggle to breathe, the rush of meds, and a very intense feeling of impending doom are exhausting and terrifying at the least.  It all leaves me feeling grateful to be alive.


As one of only two books in the Bible to be named after a woman, Esther is special in its own way.  After a series of troubling and unfortunate events, Esther was made Queen, chosen by the King even amidst all the other women vying for the same position.  Esther was of Jewish nature.  She, along with others of her day, often hid this fact from Persian rulers due to minorities, a history of being exiled, and new laws being passed to kill Jews.  

Now that Esther was labeled the new Queen, she could ultimately save her own people from the plot that was created to kill them.  Esther was able to act on behalf of her people and advocate for them to be saved.  I encourage you to go read the book of Esther.  In it, you will get plenty more details on perseverance and courage than I can even begin to write here.  I found a few themes I wanted to mention, though.

God’s commitment to His people.  Though we do not read of God’s name throughout the book of Esther, it is noted that even when it seems like God is hidden or far away, He is still at work.  God always has our best interest in mind, even when we do not see or understand it.  God loves His people.  He did not design the world to be full of sin and darkness.  

Our responsibility is to live with initiative and courage.  Much like Esther, we often have to live with great courage in a world that does not align with our beliefs and/or our love for Christ.  We can face many angles of persecution standing up for the Gospel.  Throughout the book of Esther, we see that she lived with courage.  She was willing to stand firm for her beliefs, and God used her to save her people.  I have to believe she was sometimes scared and had some difficult days, but she kept showing up.  She kept persevering so that God could use her in a mighty way.


Though sometimes the books of the Old Testament make me nervous and seemingly go over my head, I felt drawn to Esther.  She stood firm for God, and though circumstances were sometimes a little tricky, she continued to believe.  She chose to risk it all because of her love for God.

I was challenged to think about the same for my life.  Am I willing to risk it all for my relationship with God?  I think about my scary encounters with allergic reactions.  Not being able to breathe, truly feeling like I may die.  If today was my last day on earth, have I done everything I can to live for God?  Was it obvious my love for Him?

We don’t have an unlimited amount of days here.  All of us are destined to die one day.  It’s not maybe; it’s certain.  I don’t want to waste any of my days.  

Friend, you can make a difference right where you are.  You don’t need a fancy education, the best school supplies, or expensive assets.  God just wants YOU.  He wants you to be available and willing to be used by Him.  As we saw in the book of Esther, it seemed the world was very dark.  Lots of chaos, uncertainty, and tension, much like our own world right now.  

God is still here.  He is still present.  He is still showing up for us, much like He was for Esther.  Are you willing to believe it today?  

Esther 4:14-16, NIV

For if you remain silent at this time, relief and deliverance for the Jews will arise from another place, but you and your father’s family will perish. And who knows but that you have come to your royal position for such a time as this?”

Then Esther sent this reply to Mordecai: “Go, gather together all the Jews who are in Susa, and fast for me. Do not eat or drink for three days, night or day. I and my attendants will fast as you do. When this is done, I will go to the king, even though it is against the law. And if I perish, I perish.”


They Were MINE.


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